Sunday, May 9, 2010

May 9 Morning Pages a la 750

I didn’t write outside, on my porch, first. I am tired, would rather still be asleep. It’s Mother’s Day and I am set to teach Sunday School and am grateful it is primarily a video today. My eye lids are heavy. I need to write a poem, take photos, relax and enjoy today.

We start tech tomorrow. Our focus will be on costumes and running the show. Running, running, running the show. Hopefully it will go quickly and we will be in and out without a problem.

Cameron has gotten us some great stuff. I am grateful.

Last night was closing night for both R and G and Hamletmachine. I am so grateful those are over! Now I need to prepare myself for the rest of Dear Harvey and then finito. Yay. I don’t even remember to throw Trotsky and Template into the mix. They are there. But I am not thinking about them.

Friday, Trotsky will be done and then I have two weeks until Dear Harvey.

Jason was generous with compliments last night. Digested them, Charlotte Wallace makes her guest appearance. Bob took the words in as well. I wish I had more time with talking to him. Don’t want to think about Cat as in the roof. Don’t want to think about pronouns.

My typing speed is slower than normal today. I will keep moving my fingers. What is my focus? I haven’t read my Psalm today, don’t know that focus dag nabbit and don’t want to be distracted. AHHH!

So I come back, pray the distraction isn’t going to count. PLEASE don’t let it count. Let my words flow onto the page. Wonder, I wonder, about what… ok, let’s see what it says… I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart, I’m writing the book on your wonders.
I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy;
I’m singing your song, High God.

I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart.

What if I simply said THANK YOU, God from a full heart.
Thanks, God, from a full heart.
Thanks, God, from this full heart.
THANKS, beloved God, from this full heart.

Woot! Woot! from this overflowing heart. Ka chunk Ka chunk Ka chunk.

Alex got married. Everyone must feel blessed and grateful. She looks exceptionally happy and it is odd to not see her very much.

Thanks, God, from this full heart.
Thanks, God, from THIS FULL HEART!
Thanks, God FOR this full heart!

My hands move faster when I climb into THANKS, GOD! for this full heart. THANKS! GOD! for this full heart. 428, 429. Movement movement movement.

God’s a safe-house for the battered,
a sanctuary during bad times.
The moment you arrive, you relax;
you’re never sorry you knocked.
God’s a safe-house for the battered.

Sanctuary. Sanctuary. Sanctuary. Sanctuary. Sanctuary. Sanctuary.

No pronoun proclamations, just love abundantly in sanctuary. Sanctuary. Safe house which is colorful, sacred. Air of holiness. Embrace of holiness.

Holy embrace. Love. Abundant. Receiving. Receive poetry. Receive poetry. Love. Abundant receive poetry.

Write short today.
Write crisp today.
Let thoughts meander and stop.
Succinct. At the doorway marked
“Words held here”
with grace?
No, not fitting.
with hope?
No, not fitting.
With dexterity?
Not explainable.
Love words.
Love words, love life.
Abundant.Receiving, Increase.
Add to the increase.
Abundant arts and living. My children.
Love. Love.
Abundant arts receiving increase.
Abundant arts receiving increase sanctuary.
Looking forward to Wednesday. Poignant. Enjoyed it. Face says, “Tell me you enjoyed it” I enjoyed it. “Tell me it spoke to you.” “It spoke to me. “Tell me the risks were plentiful.” The risks were plentiful and you were bold.
My life is a constant reflection of courage and bravery.
Leap into courage and bravery. Tip toe into courage and bravery. Wear courage as your hat, boldness as your shoes. Slow, fast, no matter. Just sink yourself into them, those clothes that you wear. Over the top. Over the top. Over the top.
Abundant increase sanctuary community.
Remember connection blooms.
Remember, connection blooms.
Remember connection blooms in the increase.
Love Love Love Love
Grace and peasce be yours in abundance. May God give you heaven’s duew May God gfive you heaven’s dew./ May God give you heaven’s dew. I can barely write. May God give you heaven’s dew. May God give you heaven’s dew.
You let men ride over our heads.,
To learn, I say.
The moment you arrive, you relax;
you’re never sorry you knocked.
God’s a safe-house for the battered.
The moment you arrive, you relax.
You’re never sorry you knocked.
God’s a safe house for the battered.
Love abundant receiving an increase. Today.


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