Still writing, writing, writing… 19 day streak going now!
What do I wish to experience? That is the question of the week at Jamie Ridler’s studio: our question, a community question. What do I wish to experience?
I could use an anstract concept – freedom. I could say “I want to experience freedom” but without a concrete or tangible description, I am left hanging. It is like a movie you go to see where you see only the background and the camera stays still. No people, no dialogue, no interaction, no build – just background, non-descript, you don’t know what or where that is:…
So, I will create here, on wishcasting day – what freedom is to me – the “what I wish to experience” as freedom.
I wish to experience freedom through plenty in every aspect of my life. The first that springs to my mind and heart feels like this: time freedom – enough moments with no agenda, simply intention merged with action. Some people might assign agenda to that, to me – intention merged with action is the sweetest collaboration with Divinity. It is like my trips chasing the sunset. I choose a location (oftentimes with sacred nudging) like the road from Bakersfield to Glennville, for example, and we drive. We find cool spots and we photograph and we laugh and we breathe and we stand on bridges and giggle and skip stones of any creeks we find, not because there is a purpose other people can see, but because we feel light when we do it and it fuels all the “important stuff” we are up to as world changers, as lovers of humanity, as visionaries striving – playing to bring into form what we know is true.
I wish to experience freedom through plenty in every aspect of my life. I want to have enough financial flow and money freedom in and around me so that there are no worries about paying for anything or having enough cash flow for whatever my heart desires, whatever “stuff” I need to fulfill my role as a world changer: I don’t hold on too tightly, I don’t have to say “no” unless it is an empowered, choice driven “no”. I can support the charities I want to support, I can give contributions to causes that call to me. When I experience freedom through financial abundance, I have more than enough. I am conscious of the plenty, grateful for the plenty, generous with the plenty. I wish to experience financial prosperity in every aspect of my life.
I wish to experience community through relationship abundance in every aspect of my life. I am especially blessed in this department in my here and now, though I want to (always) grow my relationships richer and deeper. I want to take conversations farther, I want to have more friends I love in relationship with each other. I want to host more events because I love to entertain, just don’t do it very often these days. I wish to experience relationship abundance in every aspect of my life: professionally, spiritually, creatively, as a mom, a sister, a networker, as a world changer. I want to be a part of knitting people together, connecting them, being that bridge to other people’s freedom in community. Interesting. I am seeing “exponential” freedom or freedom that multiplies. Cool concept to explore…
I wish to experience creative abundance, in every aspect of art. I want to create whatever stirs me. This is another area where it is flowing, flowing, flowing – but still, I feel this urge to do whatever comes along that I like simply because (if I am honest, I will say it so I will) I have this underlying fear the opportunity won’t spring back to form. “If I don’t grab this role now, if I don’t audition for this or that, if I don’t take this photo, if I don’t write this poem, if I don’t write this essay – I will never have the option to do it again.” I want to experience abundance in my creativity – freedom to create and a trust in Divinity that yes, what I wish will be delivered exactly as it is meant to be delivered. I don’t have control, anyway, as ridiculous as it seems to me to think I am the one at the helm. After all, collaborative art is my favorite art.
I wish to experience spiritual abundance. Time to study, to grow, to connect with Divinity and others, what I like to call “Divinity with skin”. The study of the Psalms I am doing right now in my playful homage to the Benedictine Monk that lives within my spirit, is helping with that. I am experiencing such joy from it and it is so very simple. That is how freedom is: very very simple. So that means opening my Bible – The Message is my favored version – and reading, and interacting with the scripture and loving the words, the energy, the time there. The writing that comes, the prayer and insights that come delight me to my core. I wish to experience more people who praise and worship and pray along the lines which I do, like finding Sister Sherry who then read Hafiz. Never thought I would find a Nun who apparently loves the Sufi mystics as much as I love the Sufi mystics. There is freedom, for me, in finding Christians who can admit “I love the Sufi mystics!” rather than hide our Rumi books in closets and never think of sharing the poetry with one another. Freedom.
There is so much more I could write about each of these experiences of Freedom.
Perhaps that will be one of my assignments this week. (I wish to experience the joy of doing assignments, of living the wish casting questions rather than just wish them and not return to them.)
I wish to experience living the question: In what ways do I wish to experience freedom?
Care to join me?
In what ways do you wish to experience freedom?
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