Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It started with a poetry prompt

and became something of a call.

Reminds me of my “On the Edge” series.

Am looking forward to where this one takes me…. am beginning today…

(this is not the stuff I normally write of)
My shoulders reach to my ears
muscles cramp at the reality of
hatred, thwarting efforts to focus
on good, right, holy, loved
I prefer bumper stickers
that proclaim “Shift happens”
and “Love wins” to the semi
abusive “My loser student beat
up your honor student”

(this is not the stuff I normally write of)
and why not, for once, stretch into
degradation, filth, chaotic and
flashingly romantic disarray?
wouldn’t it be better to soak
in the stench of maggot laced garbage
than the unbelievable rainbows and
butterflies of blinder wearing ice
skaters who refuse to experience
the all which this life offers?

(this is not the stuff I normally write of)
so this week, I will

(Not the Stuff)

(this is not the stuff I normally write of)
My shoulders reach to my ears
muscles cramp at the reality of
hatred, thwarting efforts to focus
on good, right, holy, loved
I prefer bumper stickers
that proclaim “Shift happens”
and “Love wins” to the semi
abusive “My loser student beat
up your honor student”

(this is not the stuff I normally write of)
and why not, for once, stretch into
degradation, filth, chaotic and
flashingly romantic disarray?
wouldn’t it be better to soak
in the stench of maggot laced garbage
than the unbelievable rainbows and
butterflies of blinder wearing ice
skaters who refuse to experience
the all which this life offers?

(this is not the stuff I normally write of)
so this week, I will

One Word Journal - July 27, 2010


One Sentence Journal - Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I didn’t leave the house at all until after 9 pm due to my gravelly voice which needed rest.

I am grateful on July 28, 2010

Today I am so grateful for….Google books

plentiful resources created by like minds/souls/contemplatives to find women explorers, naturalists, all-around-cool-women

my writing porch

relatively cooler weather

my glasses and my script

my voice being almost back to normal


shadow play

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It is Tuesday evening, June 23 and I am grateful...

my voice is getting better, slowly, and fever seems to be gone

scheduled a sunset writing camp for next Thursday – YAY!

spent time reading just for fun

Katherine and Emma hanging out together for a little bit

Emma’s thorough melt down and quick and thorough recovery

Samuel’s singing voice

93 days in a row at

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Grateful on July 21, 2010

Today I am grateful for…

the will to write

my friends, making funny comments on facebook about my status this morning…

Yoga class: Kama, Kat, Alisha, eager-eyed newbie

Amanda (Kat’s soon to be room mate at Smith’s Hubbard House) and her family

My shoulders

73 degrees in the morning… focus on this. feel happier.

July 20, 2010 One Word Journal


July 20, 2010 - One Sentence Journal

Yoga was the perfect capper for the day: I felt like I was on a different planet when I left than when I started.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 19, 2010 One Word Journal


July 19, 2010 One Sentence Journal

Am I the only mother in the world who abhors schlepping kids hither and yon because I would rather be creating?!

Grateful on July 20, 2010

I am grateful for…

Rehearsal time with Steve going well. We were able to work through new dynamics and points of humor, points of up sweeps and down glides. I appreciate finding moments such as these. It is what I love most.

My morning coffee

The crispness of these last two mornings… as I write on my porch. (I realize many wouldn’t consider these temperatures crisp, but to me – they are like baby bear’s porridge. Perfect.)

The goofy moments chasing down Mr. Green Thumb in order to get a photo of his truck. It reminded me of the commitment of an actor, only this time fueled by an artist. “I need that shot!” Giggles still

Samuel’s companionship

My engagement with the women of the past… keeping their memory and contribution alive.

Writing prompts

Elastic bands to sweep my hair back, into a ponytail

ten seconds or a tenth of a second

Ten seconds of silence or perhaps a tenth
Of a second of silence afforded me all –
An unnamed log my pillow and the red
Soil my mattress

My eyes surveyed
The towering sentient Sequoia, nearly
As old as Christ, I am guessing,
Too tall for me to see its upper rooms

Tears tickled my belly
Tears shuffled their feet under my eye-lids
Plenty of time to tune into
The source this tree provided

I would have loved more time
nestled by its side,
feeling its history meet mine – relating,
somehow, to this tree

This day, though, was about and for
Them. And Me. Not for me alone.
My notebook pages barren this day
No turning to pencil and paper

My notebooks and words would wait
For translation, later. I want to wrap my
Children in experience which spans beyond
My readers right now.

“I’ll be back, be right back…” and
focus on creating memories my children
will carry as I carry my view from the
picture window in the rented cabin

My dad, out on the family canoe,
alone on a lake in the middle of dawn.
Little me labeled this moment “lonely”
Grown me labels this moment delicious

I understand the need for solitude and
Know he was holding his sweet
Moments (slightly more than a tenth
Of a second) before family experience
And making memories alongside us
He didn’t know as he praised the quiet
Water underneath the canoe and the
Blessed smells of a lake offering nothing

and everything he was also
unknowingly making a memory
for me which has lasted this lifetime
and now stretches into yours

Monday, July 19, 2010

yesterday, I didn't exercise

and my body rebelled. I found it hilarious, well, once I realized where the source lived.

I have been so good at working on my fitness, sometimes I forget, “oh, yeah, I am working on my fitness!”

Tonight, another Zumba class – our friend, Alisha, is meeting us.

In fact, Zumba combines all three elements of this bootcamp because I have to focus to get the steps right and it is a blast and I sweat ridiculously so I know I am getting more fit!

July 18, 2010


One Sentence Journal: July 18, 2010

The day after Kat’s Surprise adventure was such a yummy counterpoint of people and heat and close-with-other-bodies that my body revolted from lack of movement.

Grateful on July 18? Yes. 18. I think

I am grateful I lead a life where dates are not the first thing I think of in the morning!!

I am grateful Kat’s Surprise Adventure went so well on Saturday. She had a blast and so did I, so did each of us.

I am grateful for fluffy pillows.

I am grateful for romantic comedies like “Letters to Juliet” that yes, may be seen as fluff but also have some noticeable artistic qualities attached as well.

I am grateful for meaningful conversation.

I am so grateful for respite from the ordinary.

I am grateful for poetry… mine and others.

I am grateful for Kathleen Norris’ book, “The Cloister Walk.”

I am grateful for intellectual & spiritual conversations with my children.

I am grateful for Samuel’s continued blossoming.

I am grateful.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Today, July 16 I am so grateful for...

I am grateful for My beloved friends, Mel and Tom, and the fact I can simply live Mel an “I love you” comment and she knows I remember… and is grateful that on today, I remember…

I am grateful for ceiling fans

I am grateful for ice cubes

I am grateful for my beloved Hank

I am grateful for Samuel’s sweet request that I buy Gillette for Men’s “all day power” shower gel

I am grateful for poetry collections and the progress I am making on my chap books, so much so that I already have buyers WAITING for them to be finished!

I am grateful…..

One Sentence Journal: July 15, 2010

Sometimes I forget the sweet peace of writing on my porch as the sunsets as well as when the sun rises.

One Word Journal: July 15, 2010


Seeing Through the Code

Faint whispers &

Beret tilts to

Ruffle her golden curls

Only the most

Aware notice

The winking eyes

Through the

Linden leaves –

“Your gift.

A new



She turns

And her


Sing, “Thank

You for

Taking the

Time to

Unwrap me!”

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Impulses are
Electrical charges, uncontrolled by me.
Managed by the flick of the switch by him or
Her or them or Da Man or His Bitch and wait
am I the one who makes the switch move?
Am I the one who decides, ultimately, on and
off and

It is I.
I am it.
The switcher
The Impulser
The Off On
Up Down
Yes No
Let’s Go
Please Stop
No Really Stop

Poor Impulse control is verbage that used
to be slapped and most likely is still pasted
onto psychological reports and the mélange
of psychotalk words, those long phrases or
stilted equations of this word and that word
and somehow some odd combination of computer
jargon and psychology and poetry births a phrase
which makes the average Joe or Jane say,
“What is Dr. SuchandSo talking about?”

“Oh, self importance, primarily. And showing
how smart he is to use JargonSpeak that we
don’t care to know, thank you very much.”

Until I meet
Another Human
Impulse machine
Who, I, Can, Not,


Poor Impulse control is verbage that used
to be slapped and most likely is still pasted
onto psychological reports and the mélange
of psychotalk words, those long phrases or
stilted equations of this word and that word
and somehow some odd combination of computer
jargon and psychology and poetry births a phrase
which makes the average Joe or Jane say,
“What is Dr. SuchandSo talking about?”

“Oh, self importance, primarily. And showing
how smart he is to use JargonSpeak that we
don’t care to know, thank you very much.”

Impulse: naughty, crumpled jagged electrical force
that makes the body respond, react, muscles
up and down and in and out.

Impulses are
Electrical charges, uncontrolled by me.
Managed by the flick of the switch by him or
Her or them or Da Man or His Bitch and wait
am I the one who makes the switch move?
Am I the one who decides, ultimately, on and
off and

And a Haiku was written on Friday. YAY!

Silent paper waits
Images tumble through still air
Grey pencil scratches

Beyond Words Beautiful

For whatever reason, I wrote a fairy tale poem a few days ago.

Her name was Acrid
Her coarse red hair sliced her lovers
Before they could feel her skin
“Stand back” her scent ordered
Yet there was something in her pungent
Flavor that aroused those certain
Boys, that caused them to flail,
helplessly, as her lengthy russet
tresses drew blood and her breasts
waited, untouched, wanting, pure

His name was Bane
Acrid was his aim
He brought a scythe and wore a hood
Surprising her he reached deeper
He crushed her shivering mane
and silenced her body’s plea
for touch with a quenching so fine
so artful and frightening and gentle
viscerally wild and unfamiliar that
in those stolen few moments

they felt, together, what bliss is

Until that moment when Bane’s destruction
Partnered with Acrid’s bitter aftertaste
they became tepid, together
just another suburban couple
looking for some form of satisfaction
in SUV’s and little league and bunco
and the occasional Parent-Teacher conference
Or “Who is there?” Cocktail party
Her shorn hair glistened he got rid
Of his signature hood for leather

Sometimes, at night, especially,
they wondered if that brief memory
actually happened

Bane and Acrid –
In that long ago moment

Were beyond words beautiful

Perfect Albeit Perplexing

I had a perfect dream
And sometimes poems are just plain silly

Primed as a posy on the vine, plump
and wanting to be picked
Pouting lips whisper “Pop me off!”
Perfection primed and plucked

I had a perplexing dream of purple
pancakes, dancing on my plate,
skirts rising and pantaloons perking
my son’s prepubescent interest.
Pounce on the alarm. OFF!

Oh, My Percy

I fell in love today and wondered, immediately
Did Mary Oliver name her dog for him?
You know the dog, her Percy?
She writes of walks and reflections
Leaping from his limbs, that Percy -

At first I thought it was just his biography
I wanted. I’m speaking of Shelley, no not Mary
I want a biography – a life line – like Percy’s.
I want people to look at my words and say
“I have drunken deep of joy” here, and sigh…

He was the poet, that poet, the one poet
whose “whose passionate search for personal
love and social justice was gradually channeled
from overt actions into poems that rank with the
greatest in the English language.” those
brilliant folks from introduced us

I want to have a biography like him.
I will say it out loud, here, overtly
I will credit those who brought us
into connection – since I never
gave Percy any thought today yet now.
I think I am in love.
I have yet another Dead Man Crush.

I have many of those you know.
My Alberts: Schweitzer and Einstein
My Henry: as in David Thoreau –
pencil factory owner, Walden Pond
dweller his deliberate solitude
would know my alone need
coupled with my fond desire
of time with him, his poetry,
his deep thinking mind

(I worry I would get on his nerves)

Each time I turn it seems another
dead man attempts to woo me
with his Romantic speech and notions
I toss aside all my physical predilections
for just one of Rainer Rilke’s whispers in
my ear, my chin rises toward his voice

I want to learn German so I can touch
his untranslated meaning.

They elevate me, these dead man crushes.
I am open about them – obviously
I don’t hide the fact that I have a long list of
amorous non-suitors separated from
by the impossible to be intimate grave.

I don’t go for dead guys like
James Dean or the typical pretty-boys
Bring me some Whitman smattered with
Some speckles of May Sarton
(My crushes even crush the
gender line for I am more bold when
my lost love crosses death’s boundaries.

For today, my love reaches to Percy.
I look to the page and find “A poet is a nightingale,
who sits in darkness and sings”
I hear the bird song“to cheer its own
solitude with sweet sounds.”
and I know this love is not unrequited
I fall into his outstretched from the
Soil arms and find “Soul meets soul on lovers’ lips.”
And know that in speaking his words
On this page and in your mind –
Percy is still blissfully alive….

July 12, 2010


July 12, 2010

Singing camp, sandwiches and a missed chance at Zumba made for a break through day… surprise, surprise!

Today, July 13 I am so grateful for....

Emma’s singing camp going well yesterday (she is so positive about the experience, she even went to the gym with Kat and me last night!)

Sam’s sandwich making adventure. Creative in the kitchen, my guy is!

The coolness in the morning

My pencils and paper

Poetry: such fun I have with words!

My knees, which hurt and then don’t. Every day in every way, better and better and better…

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My chap books

are turning out beautifully. I am adoring them!

July 6 One Sentence Journal

Today was an anti-procrastination in several ways and a “Dig in the heels hell if I am going to do that!” kinda day in other ways.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 6 Daily Poem

Silence allows words to be felt
Rather than heard
Those gathering, walking
Up the green grass covered
Hill felt her words, her voice
Her whispered shouts of

“If I should die think only this of me..
she loved well
her children adored her
she could turn a word a phrase a melody
she was vulnerable, fragile and strong as an ox
she was amusing without even meaning to be

“If I should die think only this of me
she cried as hard as she laughed
she fought injustice
she was an advocate
an activist
she loved this one precious life she was given
she didn’t hesitate
she was bold
she was breathtaking
she didn’t hide or cower, wait for someone else or say
“That’s not my job”

“If I should die think only this of me
she giggled
she hoped
she prayed
she wrote
she wrote
she wrote
she loved to listen to the stories the wind told
she stored a lot of friends in heaven
she laughed at herself
she was generous

“If I should die think only this of me
she was a word swashbuckler
she was a word gourmet
she was a word prima ballerina
she was a word guru
she was a word priestess
she was a word fuss budget
she was a word clown
she was a word sentry
she was a word shepherd
she was a word guide

“If I should die think only this of me
she loved saying yes
she loved Katherine
she loved Emma
she loved Samuel
She dreamed, a lot.
She wished, a lot.
She painted.
She collaged.
She was authentic.

“If I should die think only this of me
She had high expectations and no expectations all at the same time.
She was love incarnate.
She loved to smile.
She loved sharing smiles.
She loved hugs.
She gave a lot of herself in each hug.
She was passionate about resting.

“If I should die think only this of me
She was nuts about chocolate and pesto and coffee in the morning.
She longed for solitude and quiet.
She loved the unstructured and the structured.
She was a leader.
She was a feminist.
She was a light.

“If I should die think only this of me
She sold hope, everyday.
She looked at things, carefully.
She looked at things, mindfully.
She loved making discoveries.
She loved being a Mommy.
She loves.
She is.
She knows.
Silence allows words to be felt

Last night ZUMBA!

I had such a great time and sweat so hard… I worked myself toward ecstacy. I had been so afraid to go, but I just went and WOW!

I cried when we did the cool down, I remembered through this class how much I love to dance. It reminded me of when I took a voice class before I started acting. When it came my turn to sing, I cried. Here I was during the cool down, stretching my arms and legs, crying. Remembering high school dance class, crying.

July 5, 2010

Somehow I had forgotten I could sweat that much during an hour of raucous dancing.

July 6, 2010 - Today I am grateful for...

pure delight in “just hanging out time”

unstructured hours

my writing group: we had such fun yesterday!

long term friendships

the possibilities that arise when helping travelers


Monday, July 5, 2010

July 5, 2010 Free Writing

I wrote this during my writing group this morning and it is well over 750words but… oh, well!

I have been writing with my friends, now the Blue Jean Babes, for a few years now. No leader, co-leaders – and we move ourselves along, writing, writing, writing, writing some members are almost always absent, others are almost always present and most of all, we all aim to love each other and honor one anothers words.

It works.

Today the Babe who was supposed to lead us was absent, so Jodi stepped in with some words from Janis Joplin which just happened to be on her desk. How fun is that?

Here is what I wrote:

“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose”... Janis Joplin

Maybe that’s it: that’s the thing…. maybe that is this peace I feel, much of the time, that sweet soft patch I settle into when I rest, when I experience a moment fully and relax into the next and the next and the next. Sometimes I label that feeling trust, sometimes I label that feeling home and sometimes I label that feeling ‘simply me.’

Its like this: I’ve lost so much of what I used to label “not losable” that I am adept at both loss and I am adept at hang gliding into the feeling of freedom when my muscles release and I allow myself to sink into the loss and nose dive, free form, into freedom.

What a paradox and what a true place to live.

Maybe that’s what my soul was seeking to communicate to me, that moment John died. My beloved younger brother with whom I shared a language free connection. I was only thirteen-months-old when John was born with Downs syndrome and rocked my family to the core. To me, he was just another brother to love and my special life-mate because of our closeness in age. In the moments after John died, we zoomed out of our bodies, the two of us. I sought freedom from my skin. I had to be with him, I was his protector, no one else knew him like I did.

My soul didn’t give a thought for even my own heartbeat or my own children, my stuff, my projects, my relentless to-do list. I tasted a split second of freedom from all of those finite realities of living in a body before being shoved back into my skin, back into covering my bones, my organs, inhabiting this noise making organism as I heard animal-like sounds bursting from that space that begged to be flying, free-form, toward my brother once again.

I wasn’t prepared for the lurch of freedom’s insistent call. I wasn’t prepared for that level of freedom in the first place. It felt like I was folded back into my body with an experience of the words, “Not yet”, just like they were spoken yet they weren’t heard, they were known. They were agreed to by my heart and lungs, by my crying sobbing voice. My children, who witnessed the entire process and my head almost slamming violently into the steering wheel yet somehow, unscathed, breathed together in relief, in sadness, in trust.

Each layer of my skin vibrated with me being alive.

Each layer of me sank deeply into a more intimate knowing. I knew then that no matter what I most, no matter what I seemed to “not have” whatever I needed would always be there for me exactly when I need it, every time.

Freedom even for a split second amidst what should have been – and indeed, at times still feels like unbearable loss – taught me that and much more is still unfolding and making itself known.

“Nothing don’t mean nothing honey if it ain’t free”

Janis is right. Meaningless surrounds the price tag @least for me. The only thing I am wearing which cost me anything are my panties and my socks yet this blouse fits me perfectly and is oh so flattering. Though I don’t think this is what Janis meant when she wrote those words. No. Not at all.

I think she meant…

==== seeing heaven on Earth on the faces of those immersed in the creative process and each other.

==== feeling the divine (soft) breeze, tapping or perhaps its better said massaging my skin. More like that so-close-hug from behind. That hug that is without a cost, priceless, soul injected goodness.

==== the river’s floor, cradling my feet. Minnows making themselves seen as I stand, patiently still, for a moment beyond the first moment. Canyons as rich and deep as the “grand” one we humans see close up is created overnight on the shallow doorway to the river I stand in, like a giant, barely a foot into this sacred world. Overnight this gigantic canyon will be swept away – before I come back another one may appear and maybe it won’t. Who knows? It is just like these words, coming in and being swept away and maybe not…

==== like those words, ‘splendor’ or ‘majestic’ or ‘grandeur’ will be replaced by a different river doorway of equal… oh, how to describe it adequately? Its not possible. I can’t see it from the minnow view! That moment of disbelief of one’s true insignificance meeting up with “I have something real to contribute! Here! Right here, right now!”

Time leaves. It loses its place of importance.

Light collects in beams of connection.

There is no bow tied at the end of this writing. It simply ends.

“Feeling as nearly faded as my jeans”

I have a favorite pair of jeans, or more accurate would be to say I HAD a favorite pair of jeans. I tore through them in an unfixable space last Winter and I need to replace them. I notice I haven’t rushed back to the store to buy another pair. I am waiting.

There’s something sacred in our relationship to our jeans. They touch us in our most private places, these spots we’re taught as young girls to push roving hands away from, with power and strength and somehow polite insistent grace mixed in as well. Those still stiff and still scratchy new jean-friendships don’t have the same access to our private places as our older, worn jean-friendships. Those denim friends who know what we look like first thing in the morning without make up or hair brushed or flossing/ These friends have seen us sweaty from raking leaves and smelled us, unwashed after horseback rides and hikes, maybe watching sunset perched on boulders or a hillside, or perhaps sat beside us listening to us crying howling, unkempt tears together.

Its no wonder I haven’t rushed off to the store to buy an identical yet not the same pair of jeans yet.

I’m just not ready.

Donated a couple more bags of stuff

I am woefully behind on this one. Perhaps I need to start helping friends organize their stuff and we can take a whole carload, get twelve or twenty bags together all at once! LOL.

PS. One BAG equals one donation, in my mind.

July Bootcamp Check In #5

Fitness: Today I am attending a Zumba class with the irrepressible Miss Katherine, beloved child of mine. So excited.

Focus: I have a writing assignment I must complete. I aim to do so in the next hour. Other than that, my main focus is writing, writing, writing and also doing some chores. Made the list of “must be dones”....

Fun: Today is primarily another “unscheduled” day and it feels GREAT! No kid schlepping, no places I ‘hafta’ be… I did attend my writing group this morning, but what popped was so much fun it didn’t feel like a ‘hafta’... never really is, actually.

Birthdays are meant to be expansive!!!

Which is why I am extending my well wishes for a few days!

Happy dancing, dear RuthG – throughout your year!

July 4, 2010 One Word Journal


July 4, 2010 One Sentence Journal

Watching Samuel’s fear wash over and through him only to see him stand, face it, and celebrate what he once was afraid of… well, it takes my breath away.

It is the embodiment of “I am on the spectrum so this is what I need to integrate to live well while being 100% me.”

Today, July 5, 2010 I am grateful...

for the Bakersfield Couchsurfing community. Such a cool group of people and because of one of our members who “gets it” we may be hosting some early twentysomethings from Kazahkstan for a few days.

for my creative community

for ceiling fans

for yoga

for images which fly from my pencil from who knows where

for writing projects which call to me… and I respond… with love

for purple

for you, reading.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 3, 2010 One Sentence Journal

I get so bored having the same conversations over and over and over again.

Friday, July 2, 2010

July 2, 2010 July Bootcamp Entry

I have been working a lot with Yoga lately, for almost a month now, and it has been great. In July I plan to add some walking and a set routine (kind of curves like) which is at the gym where I go, so I have the group experience in the Yoga classes which I adore and also my own exercise practice, which I do like a spiritual practice as well which lends to the FOCUS element of this bootcamp as well.

Fun is sort of my middle name. I never seem to have a problem or issue with creating fun wherever I go unless I get too busy with stuff I am not enjoying… so far, this month, so good.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I did this

and want to incorporate it into my stuff her at 43t. I note that some of my goals on this list are not here and some of my goals here are not on this list.


Anyway – here are my 101 and I will be adding several throughout the year to my list here, naturally – reporting in as I am able.

101 Goals for 2010

1. Write at least one poem per week
2. Publish at least one chap book
3. Have publishing company with 3 titles in print
4. Mega-Program in Fall, 2010
5. Study Annie Dillard (Writer, Thinker)
6. Study Julia Margaret Cameron (Photographer)
7. Study Mary Cassat (Painter)
8. Study Adrienne Rich (Poet)
9. Study Anais Nin (writer, Thinker)
10. Study Bessie Smith (Singer)
11. Study Emily Greene Balch (Reformer, Feminist)
12. Do 5 Tibetans 10X per month, toward Daily
13. Have an active stretching/yoga type routine (perhaps Tibetans in the AM stretching in the PM)
14. 365 Self Portraits
15. 365 Dailies
16. Intentional time with Samuel daily
17. Intentional time with Emma daily
18. Intentional time with Katherine daily
19. Gratitude lists daily
20. Sentence a day journal
21. Word a day journal
22. Blog daily
23. Teach live programs in Bakersfield once a quarter (at least)
24. Create a life mascot
25. Tangible Soul mantra
26. Cross country trip back
27. get passport
28. get Emma a passport
29. get Samuel a passport
30. plan European trip 2011
31. strength exercises 3X weekly
32. plan cousin reunion 2010
33. stay playful
34. one painting a month, at least
35. write morning pages daily
36. Visit San Francisco
37. research public schools in New Hampshire
38. Collect at least one volume of poetry a month
39. Work toward tithing (50% in August, 75% by October, 100% December)
40. Reconnect with old friends intentionally
41. Find an outlet for singing
42. Maintain healthy, present curiosity
43. Every day, take a step out of the house I know so well
44. Passion Activator Friday at least 2x month (except Summer)
45. Make at least 52 uncomfortable requests
46. Experience at least 52 episodes of belly laughter
47. research radio possibilities
48. try 52 different recipes
49. increase income by 50% first quarter
50. increase income by 100% second quarter
51. create above resolutions
52. writing camp (Virtual) 1 X monthly through June
53. Writing retreat weekend – October
54. Camp Product (Virtual) 1 X monthly through June
55. 4 Week Writing Class: Jan/Feb
56. Mar/April
57. Exchange ATC’s first quarter
58. Create a new audio program (Poetry?)
59. Build a bonfire
60. Build a fan base
61. cultivate wonder
62. get annual pelvic exam
63. get mammogram
64. take 3 picnics
65. replace ceiling fans
66. paint living room
67. paint gratitude
68. tell a new person “I love you” every week (and mean it)
69. leave poetry 52 times in surprising places
70. ask questions daily
71. create eavesdrop art
72. be afraid 1 X a week
73. Make at least 52 donations to Goodwill/Salvation Army/Similar charity
74. Buy domain again
75. restore web presence beyond my blogs
76. take drawing class
77. challenge others to write
78. be challenged by others
79. When doors open, walk through them
80. Practice writing the sense of smell
81. Soften my eyes when I talk to people
82. Spend love as a steward would spend love
83. direct first kisses and delight audiences
84. participate in VDay 2010
85. Audition at least 1 X per quarter
86. Container: 42 Days of Writing Passionately
87. Revise 2/3 chapters a week
88. Cut down fried food intake
89. cut down fat intake
90. cut down on sugar intake
91. Communicate consciously with people whose personalities are challenging to me.
92. Make “I Wait for Sleep” into a film
93. Find property for Creativity Camp
94. Visit SongDog
95. Entertain my friends with silly text messages
96. Research and visit settlement houses
97. Collect pencils
98. learn 10 new art techniques (Update on February 15 – #1) I have learned basic bookmaking #2) I have learned to use a jig saw #3) I have learned to use a table saw #4) I have learned to use a router
99. Visit the graves of New England Transcendentalists
100. Add to the increase for the world, daily
101. Stretch cultural view of beauty in older and/or “imperfect” women… taking Dove’s campaign to the grassroots.

July 1, 2010 Daily Poem

The Last Original

She could feel the haughtiness

In his stare inject itself

A syringe of judgment

Directly into her sternum

Before her shoulders shifted

She tossed out the thought,

“Is it worth the hassle to invoke the

culture of wealth?” before it

quickly evaporated

I am grateful on July 1, 2010

I am grateful for Sychronicity Cubed…

I am grateful for Alison and Jennie

I am grateful read through went well

I am grateful for enthusiastic kissing (for the upcoming production I am in… awkwardness averted due to enthusiasm. I like that.)

I am grateful for color

I am grateful for friendships

I am grateful for Katherine, during this her final complete month living under my roof. Wow.