Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way" (can't figure out how to underline here on Blogger, sorry, Julia and MLA purists) changed my life. I have stacks of notebooks to prove it.
In starting "The Dailies" today, I only felt it was right to include daily stream of consciousness writing, which I normally do in a notebook outside, away from anything electrical or mechanical or "connected" though today's entry comes in response to a website called "750 Words" and takes morning pages to a slightly different - not better, just different - level.
Here is what I wrote on 750 Words and which I will continue to do, daily:
So, I don't really know what to do here, perhaps this place captures how many words I have written and I am subjected to just writing - just writing... 750 words. I find myself correcting myself here, which I don't do when I write in my notebook. I always get the feeling Julia will come hit me over the head with the morning page police posse she keeps in her oversized handbag.
That makes for an unusual picture, doesn't it?
I am supposed to be working on receiving today and grace, spiritual topics. The day is ticking away and I feel completely unaccomplished. I should be marketing. I should be promoting and creating instead of sitting here, bloggety not blogging, the 750 words people told me. Oh, now I see where they are counting. I am up to 138 words so far. Wow. Like moving to the edge of the third page. Continue, it tells me, continue.
I do. Blindly, blithely, continue.
My niece used the word "blithe" in a facebook entry today. It isn't a word one hears often so I was delighted to see the future tiny marine use it. I drag my phone from its hiding place. I see Kathie has texted me. I see my words are racking up. I think this would work for me if it had a timer. I don't necessarily sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write. Ohmigawsh I could type in sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and look at those numbers add up.
Sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and fix that typo and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and fix and wow my hands are starting to hurt from typing sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and the space bar makes more noise than the fingers tapping the keyboard and sit and write and look at the smoke rising from my Smith College Mom coffeee mug. How intriguing. I misspelled coffee and I don't care.
Sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and look at the lamp and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and today I have numerous things to take care of. Mostly Emma and education are on my mind. Preparing for the assessment in Math. Yay me. I am laughing when I think about it and bragging that I have a 4.0 GPA. I have never had such a thing before, actually so I SHOULD be proud. LOL. VERY proud.
The majority of the world can't say the same thing, after all.
Sit and write and sita dn write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and fix and write and sit and write and sit and write and this reminds me of why I can't have a factory job or maybe I could, like stuffing envelopes for Dad. I created a way to do it and became the fastest envelope stuffer and licker he ever might have wanted. I loved to get faster and more efficient and created a game out of it, kind of like this - 750 words, stream of consciousness write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and sit and write and only 200 more words to go.
Make them valuable, says the Puritan little woman inside me. Don't waste these last 200 words with lines and lines and lines of sit and write because no one wants to read that but isn't that the primary point of morning pages in the first place? Just writing, just letting the words fly out of the hands and onto the page?
While I prefer pencil and paper (or pen, in a pinch) this will do. Sitting and writing, anything, will always do better than sitting and not writing or sitting and groaning "I'm bored" or sitting and complaining or sitting and forgetting to be grateful. Sit, Write.
Morning pages, offered daily.
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