Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Impulses are
Electrical charges, uncontrolled by me.
Managed by the flick of the switch by him or
Her or them or Da Man or His Bitch and wait
am I the one who makes the switch move?
Am I the one who decides, ultimately, on and
off and

It is I.
I am it.
The switcher
The Impulser
The Off On
Up Down
Yes No
Let’s Go
Please Stop
No Really Stop

Poor Impulse control is verbage that used
to be slapped and most likely is still pasted
onto psychological reports and the mélange
of psychotalk words, those long phrases or
stilted equations of this word and that word
and somehow some odd combination of computer
jargon and psychology and poetry births a phrase
which makes the average Joe or Jane say,
“What is Dr. SuchandSo talking about?”

“Oh, self importance, primarily. And showing
how smart he is to use JargonSpeak that we
don’t care to know, thank you very much.”

Until I meet
Another Human
Impulse machine
Who, I, Can, Not,


Poor Impulse control is verbage that used
to be slapped and most likely is still pasted
onto psychological reports and the mélange
of psychotalk words, those long phrases or
stilted equations of this word and that word
and somehow some odd combination of computer
jargon and psychology and poetry births a phrase
which makes the average Joe or Jane say,
“What is Dr. SuchandSo talking about?”

“Oh, self importance, primarily. And showing
how smart he is to use JargonSpeak that we
don’t care to know, thank you very much.”

Impulse: naughty, crumpled jagged electrical force
that makes the body respond, react, muscles
up and down and in and out.

Impulses are
Electrical charges, uncontrolled by me.
Managed by the flick of the switch by him or
Her or them or Da Man or His Bitch and wait
am I the one who makes the switch move?
Am I the one who decides, ultimately, on and
off and

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