Thursday, July 1, 2010

I did this

and want to incorporate it into my stuff her at 43t. I note that some of my goals on this list are not here and some of my goals here are not on this list.


Anyway – here are my 101 and I will be adding several throughout the year to my list here, naturally – reporting in as I am able.

101 Goals for 2010

1. Write at least one poem per week
2. Publish at least one chap book
3. Have publishing company with 3 titles in print
4. Mega-Program in Fall, 2010
5. Study Annie Dillard (Writer, Thinker)
6. Study Julia Margaret Cameron (Photographer)
7. Study Mary Cassat (Painter)
8. Study Adrienne Rich (Poet)
9. Study Anais Nin (writer, Thinker)
10. Study Bessie Smith (Singer)
11. Study Emily Greene Balch (Reformer, Feminist)
12. Do 5 Tibetans 10X per month, toward Daily
13. Have an active stretching/yoga type routine (perhaps Tibetans in the AM stretching in the PM)
14. 365 Self Portraits
15. 365 Dailies
16. Intentional time with Samuel daily
17. Intentional time with Emma daily
18. Intentional time with Katherine daily
19. Gratitude lists daily
20. Sentence a day journal
21. Word a day journal
22. Blog daily
23. Teach live programs in Bakersfield once a quarter (at least)
24. Create a life mascot
25. Tangible Soul mantra
26. Cross country trip back
27. get passport
28. get Emma a passport
29. get Samuel a passport
30. plan European trip 2011
31. strength exercises 3X weekly
32. plan cousin reunion 2010
33. stay playful
34. one painting a month, at least
35. write morning pages daily
36. Visit San Francisco
37. research public schools in New Hampshire
38. Collect at least one volume of poetry a month
39. Work toward tithing (50% in August, 75% by October, 100% December)
40. Reconnect with old friends intentionally
41. Find an outlet for singing
42. Maintain healthy, present curiosity
43. Every day, take a step out of the house I know so well
44. Passion Activator Friday at least 2x month (except Summer)
45. Make at least 52 uncomfortable requests
46. Experience at least 52 episodes of belly laughter
47. research radio possibilities
48. try 52 different recipes
49. increase income by 50% first quarter
50. increase income by 100% second quarter
51. create above resolutions
52. writing camp (Virtual) 1 X monthly through June
53. Writing retreat weekend – October
54. Camp Product (Virtual) 1 X monthly through June
55. 4 Week Writing Class: Jan/Feb
56. Mar/April
57. Exchange ATC’s first quarter
58. Create a new audio program (Poetry?)
59. Build a bonfire
60. Build a fan base
61. cultivate wonder
62. get annual pelvic exam
63. get mammogram
64. take 3 picnics
65. replace ceiling fans
66. paint living room
67. paint gratitude
68. tell a new person “I love you” every week (and mean it)
69. leave poetry 52 times in surprising places
70. ask questions daily
71. create eavesdrop art
72. be afraid 1 X a week
73. Make at least 52 donations to Goodwill/Salvation Army/Similar charity
74. Buy domain again
75. restore web presence beyond my blogs
76. take drawing class
77. challenge others to write
78. be challenged by others
79. When doors open, walk through them
80. Practice writing the sense of smell
81. Soften my eyes when I talk to people
82. Spend love as a steward would spend love
83. direct first kisses and delight audiences
84. participate in VDay 2010
85. Audition at least 1 X per quarter
86. Container: 42 Days of Writing Passionately
87. Revise 2/3 chapters a week
88. Cut down fried food intake
89. cut down fat intake
90. cut down on sugar intake
91. Communicate consciously with people whose personalities are challenging to me.
92. Make “I Wait for Sleep” into a film
93. Find property for Creativity Camp
94. Visit SongDog
95. Entertain my friends with silly text messages
96. Research and visit settlement houses
97. Collect pencils
98. learn 10 new art techniques (Update on February 15 – #1) I have learned basic bookmaking #2) I have learned to use a jig saw #3) I have learned to use a table saw #4) I have learned to use a router
99. Visit the graves of New England Transcendentalists
100. Add to the increase for the world, daily
101. Stretch cultural view of beauty in older and/or “imperfect” women… taking Dove’s campaign to the grassroots.

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