Monday, May 30, 2011

Grateful on Monday, May 30, 2011

Today I am grateful for…

1. The fun, carefree time with Emma and Samuel today. It was so balanced in fun, day-to-day chores, errands, reading, creating… perfect.

2. My time with Josh, Jennie and Emma yesterday.

3. Remembering how fun no-purpose flirting can be.

4. Strike for STAGE DOOR was easy and even a teensy bit fun.

5. Fresh strawberries

bonus: working out on Samuel’s wii fit (which makes him so happy!)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

From Virginia Woolf: A Haunted House, a Short Story

“Oh, is this your buried treasure? The light in the heart.”

One Word Journal, May 27, 2011


One sentence journal for May 27, 2011

My creative spirit continues to take the reins in my life and hey, for now I am not fighting it at all.

Today, May 28, I am grateful for...

a fun time at the cast party for Stage Door last night

a good night’s sleep where the duvet was a necessary part of it

Katherine’s willingness to log in on foursquare – so I know where she is while she is visiting Davis

the high number of friends I have who really care about me ~


the used bookstore final sale today… and the treasures I always manage to find at thrift stores and the Re-Store and every place else I go to find things to upcycle, etc….

Friday, May 20, 2011

One Word Journal - May 19, 2010


May 19 One Sentence Journal

I feel like my spirit is being whittled down.

On Friday Morning, I am grateful.....

I am grateful for my writing porch

I am grateful for my cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee

I am grateful for the plentiful images to write, to ponder, to dissect constantly appearing right in front of me

I am grateful for voices

I am grateful for open spans of time to create

I am grateful Monday will be here soon

I am grateful

Thursday, May 19, 2011

On Thursday Morning I am grateful....

for the movie Poetry directed by Lee Chang-dong…

for Emma’s willingness to watch a subtitled film only to discover (as I told her) soon, you will forget you are reading subtitles. She did.

for very cool cemeteries in tucked away places

for laughter over unusual things

for passionate living, no matter what

for expansion

for you

Monday, May 16, 2011

May 15, 2011

My voice turned into a squeak when I saw the three baby skunk tails Samuel discovered across the street from the mallards at Hart Park.

May 15, 2011

My voice turned into a squeak when I saw the three baby skunk tails Samuel discovered across the street from the mallards at Hart Park.

Gratitude on May 16, 2011

I am grateful for…

1. the surprise of late Spring rainy mornings

2. productive rehearsals filled with people I enjoy

3. places to go that fill me with joy

4. silly photography

5. sentient sunsets